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What is the format of a .HEAD file?

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Q40. What is the format of a .HEAD file?
I thought you'd never ask. However, the answer may not be entirely satisfactory.

The .HEAD file for an AFNI dataset is in ASCII, so you can view it with a normal text editor (e.g., vi - the editor for real men). The data within are organized into what I call "attributes", which are named arrays of floats, integers, or characters (strings). A sample float attribute is

  type = integer-attribute
  count = 5
  256 256 124 0 0
This particular array defines the voxel array dimensions. An example of a character array attribute is
  type = string-attribute
  name = IDCODE_DATE
  count = 25
  'Mon Apr 15 13:08:36 1996~
Note that the data for a string attribute starts with a single ' character, and that the number of bytes is given by the count parameter. The ASCII NUL character is replaced by the tilde ~ so that the .HEAD file can be edited manually, if need be. On input, tildes will be replaced with NULs.

Unfortunately, I've never documented the list of attributes that are used by AFNI. The use that AFNI makes of each attribute can be inferred (perhaps) by perusal of the code in thd_dsetdblk.c; the many macros defined in 3ddata.h will be needed to decipher this routine. The dataset reading code (see file thd_opendset.c and routines called therein) requires a minimal set of attributes to be able to decipher a dataset; for example, the DATASET_DIMENSIONS attribute above is required. There are also some attributes that are not mandatory for a dataset to be successfully constructed from a .HEAD file; for example, the IDCODE_DATE attribute above is not required. Attributes that AFNI doesn't know how to deal with are ignored. This makes it possible for a program to tuck extra information into the .HEAD file and not cause trouble.

The order in which the attributes occur is not important. AFNI reads all the attributes into memory at once, then searches for them by name as needed in the dataset construction code. On the other hand, an improperly constructed attribute (e.g., one with the count value given incorrectly) may make the .HEAD file unreadable at all. This is why manually editing a .HEAD file should be done very carefully.

[28 Mar 2001]: I've finally documented the attributes in a .HEAD file, and you can read that information here.

This FAQ applies to: Any version.

Created by Robert Cox
Last modified 2005-07-31 23:14

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