.. _nifti_format: ***************************************** **The NIFTI format** ***************************************** .. contents:: :local: .. _nifti_format_oview: Overview ======== In the early 2000s, a need was recognized for having a single data format for MRI that all major software packages could read and write. To that end, NIfTI (which stands for **N**\euroimaging **I**\n\ **f**\ormatics **T**\echnology **I**\nitiative) was an NIH-sponsored working group to promote interoperability of functional neuroimaging software tools. | The NIfTI (or NIFTI) data format is still central to neuroimaging work today. It remains opens to suggestions, while also greatly valuing stability as an underlying dependency to a large fraction of software analysis tools in the field. The central NIFTI project GitHub repository, for various languages like C, Matlab and Java is here: | ``_ | NIfTI and AFNI: working together ====================================== AFNI and NIFTI have a long history of working together: * AFNI has formally supported NIFTI usage for both input and output `since 2005 `_. * | Bob Cox (SSCC, NIMH, NIH, USA), who started AFNI, was the primary architect and first author of the NIfTI data format: | *Cox RW, Ashburner J, Breman H, Fissell K, Haselgrove C, Holmes CJ, Lancaster JL, Rex DE, Smith SM, Woodward JB, Strother SC (2004). (sort of) new image data format standard: NiFTI-1.* `Presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping `_. * At present (and for many years prior), Rick Reynolds (SSCC, NIMH, NIH, USA), also of the AFNI group, has been the central maintainer of the publicly available `NIfTI C-library repository on GitHub `_. | The NIfTI Data Format Working Group ======================================= The original Data Format Working Group (DFWG) was comprised of the following members from the neuroimaging community: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :widths: 50 50 :stub-columns: 0 * - Robert W Cox - SSCC/NIMH/NIH/DHHS/Bethesda * - John Ashburner - FIL/London * - Hester Breman - Brain Innovation/Maastricht * - Kate Fissell - U Pittsburgh/Pittsburgh * - Christian Haselgrove - MGH/Charlestown * - Colin J Holmes - SGI/Mountain * - Jack L Lancaster - RIC/UTHSCSA/San Antonio * - David E Rex - LONI/UCLA/Los Angeles * - Stephen M Smith - FMRIB/Oxford * - Jeffrey B Woodward - Dartmouth College/Hanover * - Stephen C Strother - U Minnesota/Minneapolis and NIfTI-DFWG Chair \.\.\. and Mark Jenkinson of the FMRIB/Oxford is also noted for contributing mightily to NIfTI-1. | More information on the background and development notes about NIfTI from the early days can be found here: | ``_ | ``_