:orphan: .. _ahelp_3dLocalHistog: ************* 3dLocalHistog ************* .. contents:: :local: | .. code-block:: none Usage: 3dLocalHistog [options] dataset ... This program computes, at each voxel, a count of how many times each unique value occurs in a neighbhood of that voxel, across all the input datasets. * The neighborhood is defined by the '-nbhd' option. * The input datasets should be in short or byte format, without scaling factors attached. * You can input float format datasets, but the values will be rounded to an integer between -32767 and 32767 before being used. * You can also output the overall histogram of the dataset collection, via the '-hsave' option (as a 1D file). This is simply the count of how many times each value occurs. * For histograms of continuously valued datasets see program 3dLocalstat with option -stat hist* OPTIONS ------- -nbhd 'nnn' = The string 'nnn' defines the region around each voxel that will be extracted for the statistics calculation. The format of the 'nnn' string is the same as in 3dLocalstat: * 'SPHERE(r)' * 'RECT(a,b,c)' * 'RHDD(a)' * 'TOHD(a)' * If no '-nbhd' option is given, then just the voxel itself is used -- in which case, the input dataset(s) must comprise a total of at least 2 sub-bricks! -prefix ppp = Use string 'ppp' as the prefix for the output dataset. -hsave sss = Save the overall histogram into file 'sss'. This file will have 2 columns: value count Values with zero count will not be shown in this file. -lab_file LL = Use file 'LL' as a label file. The first column contains the numbers, the second column the corresponding labels. * You can use a column selector to choose the columns you want. For example, if the first column has the labels and the second the values, use 'filename[1,0]'. -exclude a..b = Exclude values from 'a' to 'b' from the counting. * Zero (0) will never be excluded. * You can use '-exclude' more than once. -excNONLAB = If '-lab_file' is used, then exclude all values that are NOT in the label file (except for 0, of course). -mincount mm = Exclude values which appear in the overall histogram fewer than 'mm' times. * Excluded values will be treated as if they are zero (and so appear in the '0:Other' output sub-brick). * The overall histogram output by '-hsave' is NOT altered by the use of '-mincount' or '-exclude' or '-excNONLAB'. -prob = Normally, the output dataset is a set of counts. This option converts each count to a 'probability' by dividing by the total number of counts at each voxel. * The resulting dataset is stored as bytes, in units of 0.01, so that p=1 corresponds to 1/0.01=100. -quiet = Stop the highly informative progress reports. OUTPUT DATASET -------------- * For each distinct value a sub-brick is produced. * The zero value will be first; after that, the values will appear in increasing order. * If '-lab_file' is used, then the sub-brick label for a given value's count will be of the form 'value:label'; for example, '2013:rh.lingual'. * For values NOT in the '-lab_file', the label will just be of the form 'value:'. * For the first (value=0) sub-brick, the label will be '0:Other'. Author: RWCox - April 2013 ++ Compile date = May 10 2024 {AFNI_24.1.11:linux_ubuntu_16_64}