.. _tempatl_other: .. comment: This file was created by: afni_doc/python_help_scripts/make_list_of_pub_dist_atlases.py as part of the default documentation build. ******************************* Other templates and atlases ******************************* .. contents:: :local: .. highlight:: none Overview ========= A default set of atlases and templates are distributed with the AFNI binaries (the `afni_atlases_dist.tgz `__). There are also additional atlas and template datasets (both human and non-human) that can be downloaded, which are listed below. This list is likely to expand over time. Note that there are also several ``@Install_*`` programs that may provide a more convenient way to download+install some of the packages listed here (as well as demos utilizing them, in some cases). Links to additional datasets ================================= The following table provides links to the available datasets and datapackages. * Items ending with ``*.tgz`` are compressed tarballs. Clicking on these should lead to a download prompt. Once downloaded, the files can be unpacked on the command line with ``tar -xf FILE.tgz`` or separately perhaps by clicking on it. * Items without an apparent file extension are typically directories of related datasets. Clicking on these should lead to a file directory (using a right-click or middle-click might be useful to open the link in a new tab), from which you can select data to download. **Downloadable datasets:** .. csv-table:: :width: 100% `aal `__,`AFNI_atlas_additions_2023 `__,`afni_atlases_dist `__ `afni_atlases_dist_0626_2022.tgz `__,`afni_atlases_dist_0906_2022.tgz `__,`afni_atlases_dist_1117_2023 `__ `afni_atlases_dist_2024_0312 `__,`afni_atlases_dist_2024_0312.tgz `__,`afni_atlases_dist_2024_0503 `__ `afni_atlases_dist_2024_0503.tgz `__,`afni_atlases_dist.tgz `__,`archive `__ `bnst `__,`brainnetome `__,`Brodmann_MM `__ `caez `__,`caez_18_all_atlases.tgz `__,`cat `__ `currentpmaps `__,`dog `__,`elsedemo `__ `HaskinsPeds `__,`IBT `__,`JulichBrain `__ `keuken `__,`macaque `__,`marmoset `__ `Mayo `__,`MNI `__,`MNI_2009c_atlases `__ `mni_acpc `__,`MNI_atlases `__,`MNIatlases.tgz `__ `MNI_Desai `__,`MNI_HCP `__,`MNI_VmPFC `__ `mouse `__,`NIHtoddler `__,`old.atlases `__ `Pauli_subcortical `__,`Princeton_visual `__,`rat `__ `SchaeferYeo `__,`SDSU4yearolds `__,`SUIT_Cerebellum `__ `UNC_Infant_Atlases `__,`VmPFC `__,`waxrat `__ | | The link to the "basic" webpage interface for downloading the above dsets is here: | ``_ |