

This is a script to:
+ align a subject structural dataset to a template
+ save the warp + inverse warps, for any future mapping
+ apply the warps to "follower" datasets in either space (e.g.,
  atlases, segmentations, masks, or other anatomicals) to map those
  dsets to the other space
  - one common use: send a template atlas to native space
+ estimate surfaces of ROIs (with scripts also made to simplify viewing)
+ make automatic QC images to show the outputs, for quick evaluation

This @animal_warper (AW) program uses basic AFNI commands to compute
affine and nonlinear alignments. The program works by first aligning
centers of the subject to that of the template. Affine and nonlinear
alignment follow. The inverse warp is computed to bring the template
and atlas segmentation into the center-shifted grid. Skullstripping is
provided by masking with the template. Finally, the grids are adjusted
back to the original center. Surfaces are made for all the atlas
regions and for a transformed copy of the template dataset.

Throughout this help file and output text files, note that the
following terminology applies:

    AP    =  afni_proc.py
    AW    =  @animal_warper

    xform =  transform
    NL    =  nonlinear
    aff   =  affine

    orig  =  'original' (or native) subject data and/or space
    base  =  template and/or template space
    osh   =  original subject data/space shifted to base
    pshft =  pre-shift (simple center of mass shift) to base
    shft  =  'full' shift (includes aff align) to base
    warp2std = a dset now warped to standard/template space (from original)

Usage Example

animal_warper                                          \
    -input  macaque1+orig                              \
    -base   ../NMT.nii.gz                              \
    -atlas  atlas_dir/D99_atlas_1.2a_al2NMT.nii.gz     \
    -outdir aligned_data

 Note only the input dset and template_dset are *required*. If no
 "-atlas .." dset is given, then only the alignment steps are

 Note also that you might want to include the "-ok_to_exist" flag,
 in case you need to restart the command at some point, and want to
 make use of previously created datasets (to save time).


 -input input_dset   :required input dataset to align to base template
                      (what is called the 'source' in other AFNI
                      alignment programs).

 -base base_dset     :required dataset. Can be given with a normal
                      path-specification, or by just being somewhere
                      that @FindAfniDsetPath can find it.  Note,
                      this volume will also be used to try to
                      skullstrip in the input dset (unless an
                      explicit '-brainmask ..' dset is input; see
                      that option below).

 -template_prefix TP :*no longer an option*.  See/use '-base_abbrev',

 -outdir outputdir   :create new directory and do all processing there.
                      Minor note: '.' is not allowed;  that is, you must
                      choose a new directory.  NB: the input, base and
                      any atlas followers get copied into that directory
                      (def = 'aw_results')

 -skullstrip brainmask
                     :one can provide a brainmask that is in the
                      base template space. This brainmask will be
                      warped back to native space and used to
                      skullstrip the original volume. This dataset
                      should share exactly the same grid as the
                      base template dataset.  (If this opt isn't
                      used to provide a brainmask, then the '-base
                      ..' volume itself will be used to do so.)

 -atlas ATL1 ATL2 ATL3 ...
 -atlas_followers ATL1 ATL2 ATL3 ...
                     :either of these option flags does the exact
                      same thing-- one or more atlas (int-valued)
                      dsets in the *base* volume space can be
                      provided, and each will be mapped to the
                      input dset's native space.  Atlas labeling
                      will be preserved. Additionally, isosurfaces
                      of each that can be viewed in SUMA will be
                      created.  Atlas locations can be given with a
                      normal path-specification, or by just being
                      somewhere that @FindAfniDsetPath can find it.

 -seg_followers S1 S2 S3 ...
                     :one or more (int-valued) dsets in the *base*
                      volume space can be provided, and each will
                      be mapped to the input dset's native space.
                      Must share the same grid of the base
                      dataset. Atlas labeling will be preserved.
                      different than the atlas_followers above (no
                      surfaces generated for these).

 -template_followers T1 T2 T3 ...
                     :one or more dsets in the *base* volume space
                      can be provided, and each will be mapped to
                      the input dset's native space.  Not required
                      to be int-valued here.

 -dset_followers D1 D2 D3 ...
                     :one or more dsets in the *input* volume space
                      can be provided, and each will be mapped to
                      the base dset's template space.  Not required
                      to be int-valued here.

 -roidset_followers dset1 dset2 ...
                     :one or more (int-valued) dsets in the *input*
                      volume space can be provided, and each will
                      be mapped to the base dset's template space.

 -input_abbrev INP_ABBR
                     :when a dset DSET is warped to a space, it
                      will like DSET_in_SOMETHING.nii.gz.  If that
                      SOMETHING is the input dset space, then you
                      can specify that label/abbreviation here.
                      The INP_ABBR is also used for some files as
                      Default naming will be to use the prefix of
                      the input dset, such as would come from:
                        3dinfo -prefix_noext INPUT_DSET
                      Created file names can be quite long due to this,
                      so an INP_ABBR might be useful.

 -base_abbrev BASE_ABBR
                     :used just like the '-input_abbrev ..' value
                      above, but for the base dset.
                      Default here is to use the space information
                      from a dset, namely:
                         3dinfo -space BASE_DSET
                      See also the '-use_known_abbrev_*' options
                      for being able to let this program try to
                      recognize a commonly known dset from its name.

 -atlas_abbrevs AA1 AA2 AA3 ...
                     :used just like the '-input_abbrev ..' value
                      above, but for the atlas follower dsets.  NB:
                      you either need to have the same number of
                      atlas abbreviations as input atlas followers,
                      or none.
                      Default abbreviation is:
                        3dinfo -prefix_noext ATLAS_DSET
                      See also the '-use_known_abbrev_*' options
                      for being able to let this program try to
                      recognize a commonly known dset from its name.

 -template_abbrevs TA1 TA2 TA3 ...
                     :used just like the '-atlas_abbrevs ..' opt
                      above, but for the template follower dsets.
                      Default abbreviation is:
                        3dinfo -prefix_noext TEMPLATE_DSET
                      Has the same 'known' list as the base abbrevs,
                      so make sure you don't run into having two files
                      share the same abbrev!

 -seg_abbrevs SA1 SA2 SA3 ...
                     :used just like the '-atlas_abbrevs ..' opt
                      above, but for the seg follower dsets.
                      Default abbreviation is:
                        3dinfo -prefix_noext SEG_DSET
                      Has no 'known' abbrevs.

 -dset_abbrevs DA1 DA2 DA3 ...
                     :used just like the '-atlas_abbrevs ..' opt
                      above, but for the dset follower dsets.
                      Default abbreviation is:
                        3dinfo -prefix_noext DSET_DSET
                      Has no 'known' abbrevs.

 -roidset_abbrevs RA1 RA2 RA3 ...
                     :used just like the '-atlas_abbrevs ..' opt
                      above, but for the dset follower dsets.
                      Default abbreviation is:
                        3dinfo -prefix_noext ROIDSET_DSET
                      Has no 'known' abbrevs.

                     :try to 'guess' an appropriate abbreviation
                      for a base dset as processing proceeds, for
                      naming created dsets.  Shares same list of
                      knowns as the 'template' followers.

                     :try to 'guess' an appropriate abbreviation
                      for an atlas dset as processing proceeds, for
                      naming created dsets.

                     :try to 'guess' an appropriate abbreviation
                      for a template follower dset as processing
                      proceeds, for naming created dsets.  Shares
                      same list of knowns as the 'base'.

                     :like using all the other '-use_known_abbrev*'

 -align_centers_meth ACM
                     :By default, an early step here is to use
                      "Align_Centers -grid .." to start the
                      alignment (align centers of grids).  If you
                      want to, you can enter any of the "Center
                      options" that @Align_Centers permits by using
                      the given option in place of "ACM" *without*
                      the preceding minus (e.g. a useful one might
                      be: cm).
                      You can also provide the keyword "OFF" as an
                      argument, and then @Align_Centers won't be
                      run at all (the dset is just copied at that
                      step), which is useful if you have already
                      centered your dataset nicely.

 -aff_move_opt AMO   :by default, '-giant_move' is used in the affine
                      alignment step (via align_epi_anat.py). With this
                      option, you can change the movement type to be
                      any of the values allowed by align_epi_anat.py---
                      note that you should *not* include the hyphen from
                      the align_epi_anat.py option name, and if the option
                      takes two terms, then you should put it in quotes,
                      such as: "cmass cmass"  (default: "giant_move").
                      A special value of "OFF" means that none of these
                      extra movement options is included (e.g., your
                      input dset overlaps the base VERY well already).

 -cost xxx           :choose a cost function for affine and nonlinear
                      alignment. The same or similar cost function
                      will be used for both alignments. The cost
                      functions are listed in the help for
                      3dAllineate and 3dQwarp.  Cost functions,
                      like lpa+ZZ for 3dAllineate, are not
                      available in 3dQwarp, so the "+ZZ" part would
                      removed from the NL part of warping (i.e.,
                      lpa would then be used for 3dQwarp's NL
                      warping cost function). The default cost
                      function is lpa+ZZ for affine warping (via
                      align_epi_anat.py and 3dAllineate) and a
                      clipped Pearson correlation for nonlinear
                      warping (via auto_warp.py and 3dQwarp)

 -maxlev nn          :maximum level for nonlinear warping. Determines
                      final neighborhood 'patch' size that is
                      matched+refined. Allowed values are:
                          0 <= nn <= 11
                      See 3dQwarp help for information on maxlev.
                      Use smaller values for faster performance and
                      testing. Increase up to 11 for finer warping.
                      (def = 09)

 -no_surfaces        :do not make surfaces for atlas regions in native
                      space. Default is to create a surface directory
                      with surfaces of each region in native space.

 -feature_size mm    :set size in mm for affine alignment. Use about 0.1
                      for mouse, 0.5 for macaque or rat. (def: 0.5)

 -supersize          :allow for up to 50% size difference between subject
                      and template

 -mode_smooth_size n :modal smoothing kernel size in voxels (not mm)
                      This determines the size of a spatial regularization
                      neighborhood for both ROI followers and segmentation
                      datasets. Voxel values are replaced with the mode
                      (most common value) in the spherical neighborhood.
                      The default uses a 1 voxel radius. Use higher values
                      depending on the irregularities of the edges of the
                      regions and ROI
                      Turn off by setting this to 0

                     :the current default behavior for modal
                      smoothing is to do both 1) modal smoothing
                      (with 3dLocalstat) and then 2) check if any
                      ROIs got lost in that process, and 3) if ROIs
                      got lost, put them back in (those specific
                      ones won't be smoothed, just re-placed).
                      Using this opt will mean that steps #2 and #3
                      do NOT happen -- you just get plain modal
                      smoothing without replacement.

 -center_out CO      :center native-space output to native original
                      space or to center-shifted space over the center
                      of template.  Allowed values of CO are 'native'
                      (def, leaves center at original location)
                      and 'center_shift' (shift the input toward base,
                      and calculate all other warps and outputs to/from
                      ****Note using the center_out native data
                      transformations might require extra care.
                      3dNmatrix_apply may require vast amounts of memory
                      if the center of the original dataset is far from
                      the center of the template dataset, usually around
                      an xyz coordinate of 0,0,0.
                      If datasets are far from a center around 0,0,0,
                      then consider using
                        3drefit -oblique_recenter
                        3drefit -oblique_recenter_raw
                      or a preprocessing center alignment for all the
                      native space datasets
                        @Align_Centers -base template -dset mydset \
                         -child dset2 dset3 ...

 -align_type   AT    :provide alignment only to specified level, of which
                      your choices are:
                        rigid       - align using rotation and translation
                        rigid_equiv - compute alignment with full
                                      affine but apply only the rigid
                                      parameters.  This is usually
                                      preferred over the rigid body
                                      alignment because it handles
                                      different sizes better. The
                                      purpose here is to put data
                                      into approximately the same
                                      position as the template
                                      (AC-PC, axialized, ...)
                        affine      - full affine, 12 parameters
                                      rotation, translation, shearing and
                        all         - go through affine and nonlinear warps
                      In each case the full script runs.  However, note that
                      the detail of alignment (and quality of masking) from
                      less-than-nonlinear warps will necessarily be more

-extra_qw_opts "EQO" :specify other options to add on to the
                      existing options for 3dQwarp either as a group
                      of options in quotes as in "-nopenalty
                      -workhard 0:3" or by repeated use of this
                      option. 3dQwarp is called indirectly using

 -keep_temp          :keep temporary files including awpy directory (from
                      auto_warp.py) and other intermediate datasets

 -ver                :display program version

 -ok_to_exist        :reuse and do not overwrite existing datasets.
                      This option is used for faster restarts or with
                      limited alignment options

 -echo               :copy all commands being run into the terminal
                      (like running 'tcsh -x ...')

Outputs (we got plenty of ‘em!)

@animal_warper provides multiple outputs to assist in registering
your anatomicals and associated MRI data to the template.  Below,
INP refers to the abbreviation used to refer to the "-input .."
subject dset, and TEM to that of the "-base .." template
(typically in some standard space).

Main datasets

The following are all contained in the main output directory
("-outdir ..")

+ Text file "dictionary" reference of outputs
  o animal_outs.txt         - guide to data in main dir and subdirs;
                              contains version number and history of
                              command run

+ Subject scans in native space of input
  o INP.nii.gz              - copy of original input
  o INP_ns.nii.gz           - same as above, but "no skull" (ns) version
  o INP_nsu.nii.gz          - same as above, but also unifized (brightness)
  o INP_mask.nii.gz         - mask of input (should match "ns" version)
  o DSET_FOLL               - copy(s) of "-dset_followers .." (not abbrev)
  o ROIDSET_FOLL            - copy(s) of "-roidset_followers .." (not

+ Template scans in native space of input
  o TEM_in_INP.nii.gz       - template aligned to input

+ Template followers (e.g., atlas ATL, segmentation SEG) in native
  space of input; could be several of each, each with own abbreviation
  o ATL_in_INP.nii.gz       - "-atlas_followers .." aligned to input
  o SEG_in_INP.nii.gz       - "-seg_followers .." aligned to input

+ Template dsets and followers in template space
  o TEMPLATE                - copy of "-template .." (not abbrev)
  o TEMPLATE_MASK           - copy of "-skullstrip .." mask (not abbrev)
  o ATL_FOLL                - copy(s) of "-atlas_followers .." (not abbrev)
  o SEG_FOLL                - copy(s) of "-seg_followers .." (not abbrev)
  o TEMPLATE_FOLL           - copy of "-template_followers .." (not abbrev)

+ Subject scans mapped to the template
  o INP_warp2std.nii.gz     - input dset nonlinearly warped to TEM
  o INP_warp2std_ns.nii.gz  - same as above, but "no skull" version
  o INP_warp2std_nsu.nii.gz - same as above, but also unifized (brightness)

+ Alignment data (INP->TEM)
  o INP_composite_linear_to_template.1D - matrix, full affine part
  o INP_shft_WARP.nii.gz    - NL warp part (TEM grid)

+ Alignment data (TEM->INP)
  o INP_composite_linear_to_template_inv.1D - matrix, full affine part
  o INP_shft_WARPINV.nii.gz - NL part of warp (TEM grid)

QC info

The following are all contained in the "QC/" subdirectory.

The following quality control (QC) images are automatically
generated during processing, to help with speedy checking of
processing.  In each case, there are three sets of PNG montages
(one for sag, cor and axi views) and a copy of the colorbar used
(same prefix as file name, *.jpg).  Additionally, there is also a
*.txt file of ranges of values related to the ulay and olay, which
might be useful for QC or figure-generation.

+ init_qc_00.input+base*.jpg, [init_qc_00_*_DEOB*]
  [ulay] input source dset, original location
  [olay] base dset
  o single image montage to check initial overlap of source and base,
    ignoring any obliquity that might be present (i.e., the way AFNI
    GUI does by default, and also how alignment starts)
  o if initial overlap is not strong, alignment can fail or
    produce weirdness
  o *if* either dset has obliquity, then an image of both after
    deobliquing with 3dWarp is created (*DEOB.jpg), and a text file
    about obliquity is also created (*DEOB.txt).

+ init_qc_01.input_sh+base*.jpg
  [ulay] input source dset, center-shifted location
  [olay] base dset

+ init_qc_02.input_aff+base*.jpg
  [ulay] input source dset, affine-aligned to base
  [olay] base dset

+ init_qc_03.input_NL+base*.jpg
  [ulay] input source dset, NL-aligned to base
  [olay] base dset

+ qc_00.wrpd_input+base* (in base space)
  [ulay] edges of the base dset
  [olay] warped input dset

+ qc_01.input+wrpd_base* (in input space)
  [ulay] edges of the (warped) base dset
  [olay] original input dset

+ qc_02.input+mask* (in input space)
  [ulay] input dset
  [olay] estimated (or input) mask, showing skullstripping

+ qc_03.input+wrpd_{ATL,SEG}* (in input space)
  [ulay] 'edge enhanced' original input dset
  [olay] warped atlas or seg dset
  o NB: if the olay dset has >1 subbrick, each will be snapshotted
        separately, because I heard the baying of the crowds for

Additionally, if follower datasets are used (e.g., mapping atlases
from template to subject space), then report*1D text files are
also output, detailing information about ROIs before and after

+ report_{ATL,SEG}*.1D
  o this text file includes both absolute and relative volumes, as
    well as ratios of volumes.  Additionally, one can see if any
    ROIs got lost in the mapping process (e.g., were too small or
    narrow, got squeezed too much or fell outside the mask).
  o this text file can be viewed in a regular text editor and also
    used for calculations with AFNI programs
  o each report calculated separately for each subbrick of an
    input ATL or SEG

Surfaces generated

(Unless you turn off surface estimate) there will be a "surfaces/"
directory with full sets of ROI surfaces calculated from the
'-atlas_follower ..' and '-seg_follower ..' dsets.

+ surfaces_{ATL,SEG}*/
  o full set of surfaces of each region in the respective dset
  o if the atlas has >1 subbrick (e.g., the CHARM), then each
    subbrick will have its own subdir

+ do_view_surfaces_{ATL,SEG}*.tcsh
  o automatically generated script to view the contents of each
    surfaces_{ATL,SEG}*/ directory in SUMA

+ TEM_in_INP.gii
  o slightly polished surface of the warped template in input

+ do_view_isosurf_TEM_in_INP.tcsh
  o automatically generated script to view TEM_in_INP.gii in SUMA

Intermediate results directory

There is an "intermediate/" directory with lots of intermediate
warps, affine transforms and datasets.

*If* you are supremely confident about your outputs, you can
remove this directory to save space.  **But** you should probably
only do so if you really need to, because invariably once you
delete it you will need to check something from it.  That's just

This directory is useful to keep around for asking questions,
checking alignment (esp. checking if something went wrong),
potentially debugging (not my fault!), etc.


All atlas_points and labeltables on all input dsets should be
passed along to their warped versions, preserving those useful
functionalities and information.

Integrating AW with afni_proc.py (AP)

Let's say that you plan to run AW as a prelude to processing FMRI
data with AP (a good idea, by the way!).

This might be an example AW command (written with variables in ye
olde 'tcsh' style):

  set anat_subj = sub-001_anat.nii.gz                   # input anat
  set refvol    = NMT_*_SS.nii.gz                       # ref: template
  set refatl    = CHARM*.nii.gz                         # ref: atlas
  set odir_aw   = dir_aw/sub-001                        # output dir

  @animal_warper                           \
      -input  ${anat_subj}                \
      -base   ${refvol}                   \
      -atlas  ${refatl}                   \
      -outdir ${odir_aw}                  \

If you are mapping your FMRI data to standard space and using the
"tlrc" block in your AP command, then there are probably 4 main
outputs from there that you would then put into every successive AP
command, as well as using the same "refvol" and noting that your
anatomical dset has already been skullstripped.  We highlight these
in the following AP skeleton command (where the '...' means some
other entries/options would likely be included; order doesn't matter
for the AP command, but we are following the style in which most
afni_proc.py help examples are written):

|  # root of AW output dsets
|  set anat_base = `3dinfo -prefix_noext ${anat_subj}`
|  afni_proc.py                                                       \
|      ...                                                            \
|      -blocks  ... align tlrc volreg ...                             \
|      ...                                                            \
|      -copy_anat               ${odir_aw}/${anat_base}_ns.nii.gz     \
|      -anat_has_skull          no                                    \
|      ...                                                            \
|      -tlrc_base               ${refvol}                             \
|      -tlrc_NL_warp                                                  \
|      -tlrc_NL_warped_dsets                                          \
|          ${odir_aw}/${anat_base}_warp2std_nsu.nii.gz                \
|          ${odir_aw}/${anat_base}_composite_linear_to_template.1D  \
|          ${odir_aw}/${anat_base}_shft_WARP.nii.gz                 \
|      ...

In the preceding, please note the naming conventions in the *.1D
affine matrix and *WARP.nii.gz nonlinear warp dset which are
provided to the '-tlrc_NL_warped_dsets ..' option.


1) Align a subject anatomical to the NMT template.  Use some
'follower' datasets that are defined in the template space, so that
they will be warped to subject space (there are other followers that
can start in the native space and be warped to the standard space,
too).  Use abbreviations with the followers to simplify life:

  @animal_warper                                                \
      -input             ${dir_anat}/anat-sub-000.nii.gz       \
      -input_abbrev      ${subj}_anat                          \
      -base              ${dir_ref}/NMT_*_SS.nii.gz            \
      -base_abbrev       NMT2                                   \
      -atlas_followers   ${dir_ref}/CHARM_*.nii.gz             \
      -atlas_abbrevs     CHARM                                  \
      -seg_followers     ${dir_ref}/NMT_*_segmentation.nii.gz  \
      -seg_abbrevs       SEG                                    \
      -skullstrip        ${dir_ref}/NMT_*_brainmask.nii.gz     \
      -outdir            odir_aw                                \

2) Just like the previous example, but include more followers and

  @animal_warper                                                \
      -input             ${dir_anat}/anat-sub-000.nii.gz       \
      -input_abbrev      ${subj}_anat                          \
      -base              ${dir_ref}/NMT_*_SS.nii.gz            \
      -base_abbrev       NMT2                                   \
      -atlas_followers   ${dir_ref}/CHARM_*.nii.gz             \
                         ${dir_ref}/D99_*.nii.gz               \
      -atlas_abbrevs     CHARM  D99                             \
      -seg_followers     ${dir_ref}/NMT_*_segmentation.nii.gz  \
      -seg_abbrevs       SEG                                    \
      -skullstrip        ${dir_ref}/NMT_*_brainmask.nii.gz     \
      -outdir            odir_aw                                \

3) Just like the previous example, but include followers (dset and
roidset) from subject space:

  @animal_warper                                                \
      -input             ${dir_anat}/anat-sub-000.nii.gz       \
      -input_abbrev      ${subj}_anat                          \
      -base              ${dir_ref}/NMT_*_SS.nii.gz            \
      -base_abbrev       NMT2                                   \
      -atlas_followers   ${dir_ref}/CHARM_*.nii.gz             \
                         ${dir_ref}/D99_*.nii.gz               \
      -atlas_abbrevs     CHARM  D99                             \
      -seg_followers     ${dir_ref}/NMT_*_segmentation.nii.gz  \
      -seg_abbrevs       SEG                                    \
      -skullstrip        ${dir_ref}/NMT_*_brainmask.nii.gz     \
      -dset_followers    ${dir_anat}/anat-t2w-sub-000.nii.gz   \
      -dset_abbrevs      T2W                                    \
      -roidset_followers ${dir_anat}/parcels-sub-000.nii.gz    \
      -roidset_abbrevs   ROIS                                   \
      -outdir            odir_aw                                \

Demos, Tutorials and Online Docs

+ See the MACAQUE_DEMO_* demos for examples in using the program, as
  well as integrating its outputs with afni_proc.py.  To download
  the demos for task-based FMRI and resting state FMRI analysis,



  ... with accompanying webpages here:


+ For (growing) documentation on non-human dataset processing in
  AFNI, see:


+ For information on accompanying templates and atlases in the
  animal kingdon (such as NMT, CHARM and SARM), as well as how to
  download them, please see here:



  If you use this program and/or the NMTv2, CHARM or ARM in your work,
  please cite the following:

  + Jung B, Taylor PA, Seidlitz PA, Sponheim C, Perkins P,
    Ungerleider LG, Glen DR, Messinger A (2021).
    A Comprehensive Macaque FMRI Pipeline and Hierarchical Atlas.
    NeuroImage 235:117997.

  + Saad ZS, Glen DR, Chen G, Beauchamp MS, Desai R, Cox RW (2009). A
    new method for improving functional-to-structural MRI alignment
    using local Pearson correlation. Neuroimage 44 839–848. doi:

  If you use the SARM or ARM atlas, please cite the following:

    R. Hartig, D. Glen, B. Jung, N.K. Logothetis, G. Paxinos,
    E.A. Garza-Villarreal, A. Messinger, H. Evrard (2021). The
    Subcortical Atlas of the Rhesus Macaque (SARM) for
    Neuroimaging. NeuroImage 235:117996.

  If you use the D99 atlas (warped to the NMT v2 in this
  repository), please cite the following:

    C. Reveley, A. Gruslys, F.Q. Ye, D. Glen, J. Samaha, B.E. Russ,
    Z. Saad, A.K.  Seth, D.A. Leopold, K.S. Saleem (2017).
    Three-Dimensional Digital Template Atlas of the Macaque
    Brain. Cereb. Cortex 27:4463-4477.

This program has been written (and rewritten!) by D Glen and PA Taylor
(SSCC, NIMH, NIH, USA), with many helpful contributions and
suggestions from B Jung and A Messinger.