-input input_dset :required input dataset. This dataset should be
set of integer values. The program mostly assumes
approximate isotropic voxels.
-outdir outdirname :directory name for output. All output goes to
this directory. Default is roidc.
-nvox_thresh nn :number of voxels in a cluster to keep
-frac_thresh nn :fraction of voxels in a cluster to keep [0.0-1.0]
Both types of threshold can be specified at the same
time, in which case, the minimum value would be used.
For example, an nvox_thresh of 10 and a frac_thresh
of 0.15 would remove all voxels that occupied at least
15% of the number of voxels in the region and at least
10 voxels.
-prefix baseprefix :base name of final output dataset, i.e. baseprefix.nii.gz
Default is rdc, so output would be rdc.nii.gz
-NN [1,2,3] :neighborhood type using in finding mode,
1 - facing neighbors, 2-edges, 3-corners
Also see these programs with these related functions:
3dClusterize - reports and extracts clusters (main program called by this one)
@ROI_modal_grow - grows regions using non-zero modal smoothing
3dROImaker - grows regions using regular dilation iteratively