

This is an example starting program for those who want to create a new
AFNI program to see some examples of possible I/O and internal calcs.
Please see the source code file in the main afni/src/3dEdu_01_scale.c
for more information.

This program is intended purely for educational and code-development

written by: PA Taylor


This program will take one dataset as input, and output a copy of its [0]th
volume.  A mask can be provided, as well as two multiplicative factors to
mask and scale the output, respectively.

Command usage and option list

  3dEdu_01_scale [something]


  -input DSET      :(req) input dataset

  -mask  DSET_MASK :(opt) mask dataset on same grid/data structure
                    as the input dset

  -some_opt        :(opt) option flag to do something

  -mult_facs  A B  :(opt) numerical factors for multiplying each voxel;
                    that is, each voxel is multiplied by both A and B.


1) Output a copy of the [0]th volume of the input:

   3dEdu_01_scale                                   \
      -input  epi_r1+orig.HEAD                      \
      -prefix OUT_edu_01

2) Output a masked copy of the [0]th volume of the input:

   3dEdu_01_scale                                   \
      -input  epi_r1+orig.HEAD                      \
      -mask   mask.auto.nii.gz                      \
      -prefix OUT_edu_02

3) Output a masked+scaled copy of the [0]th volume of the input:

   3dEdu_01_scale                                   \
      -mult_facs 3 5.5                              \
      -input     epi_r1+orig.HEAD                   \
      -mask      mask.auto.nii.gz                   \
      -prefix    OUT_edu_03