

This is a simple adjunct program for making a NIML labeltable from
atlas_points info.

This can be used to: output the labeltable, to attach the labeltable
to the input file, or both.

auth    : PA Taylor (SSCC, NIMH, NIH, USA)
ver     : 0.0
revdate : Apr 04, 2024


-input DSET       :(req) input dset name, that should/must have
                   atlas_points information in the header

-prefix PPP       :output name for labeltable, which can have path info
                   included. Would recommend having it end with ''
                   for convenience and recognizability

-add_lt_to_input  :add the labeltable to the input dset header

-overwrite        :needed to overwrite an existing labeltable file PPP, or
                   to refit the labeltable of the input dset if
                   '-add_lt_to_input' is used

-no_clean         :do not remove working directory (def: remove it)

-echo             :very verbose output when running (for troubleshooting)

-help, -h         :display this meager help info

-ver              :display this program version


1) Output a labeltable, created from atlas_points info of DSET_INPUT
   adjunct_atlas_points_to_labeltable        \
       -input   DSET_INPUT                   \

2) Output a labeltable, created from atlas_points info of DSET_INPUT,
   and attach it to the input
   adjunct_atlas_points_to_labeltable        \
       -input   DSET_INPUT                   \
       -prefix             \

3) No output labeltable, but attach the one created from created from
  the atlas_points info of DSET_INPUT, to that dataset
   adjunct_atlas_points_to_labeltable        \
       -input   DSET_INPUT                   \