
afni_history:           show AFNI updates per user, dates or levels

This program is meant to display a log of updates to AFNI code, the
website, educational material, etc.  Users can specify a level of
importance, the author, program or how recent the changes are.

The levels of importance go from 1 to 4, with meanings:
       1 - users would not care
       2 - of little importance, though some users might care
       3 - fairly important
       4 - a big change or new program
       5 - IMPORTANT: we expect users to know


common examples:

  0. get help

     a. afni_history -help

  1. display all of the history, possibly subject to recent days/entries

     a. afni_history
     b. afni_history -past_days 5
     c. afni_history -past_months 6
     d. afni_history -past_entries 1

  2. select a specific type, level or minimum level

     a. afni_history -level 2
     b. afni_history -min_level 3 -type BUG_FIX
     c. afni_history -type 1 -min_level 3 -past_years 1

  3. select a specific author or program

     a. afni_history -author rickr
     b. afni_history -program

     display the past year of updates for rickr, sorted by program name...

     c. afni_history -author rickr -past_days 365 -final_sort_by_prog

  4. select level 3+ suma updates from ziad over the past year

     a. afni_history -author ziad -min_level 3 -program suma

  5. generate a web-page, maybe from the past year at at a minimum level

     a. afni_history -html -reverse > afni_hist_all.html
     b. afni_history -html -reverse -min_level 2  > afni_hist_level2.html
     c. afni_history -html -reverse -min_level 3  > afni_hist_level3.html
     d. afni_history -html -reverse -min_level 4  > afni_hist_level4.html

  5. verify that the distribution is new enough

     Compare the most recent history entry against the passed date.  If
     there is a history entry as recent as the given date, it is current.
     Otherwise, the distribution is considered old.

     a. afni_history -check_date 1 1 2010
     b. afni_history -check_date 15 Mar 2050

  6. show particular fields

     a. show the program name for the most recent 10 entries
           afni_history -show_field program 10
     b. show the program name for the most recent 10 NEW_PROG entries
           afni_history -type NEW_PROG -show_field program 10
     c. show the authors of the past 10 BUG_FIX entries
           afni_history -type BUG_FIX -show_field author 10
     d. show all unique program fields, sorted
           afni_history -show_field program | sort | uniq
     e. show all unique program fields of NEW_PROG entries, sorted
           afni_history -show_field program -type NEW_PROG | sort | uniq

     f. list FIELD parameters available for use with -show_field
           afni_history -show_field_names


------------------ informational options: -----------------------

  -help                    : show this help
  -hist                    : show this program's history
  -list_authors            : show the list of valid authors
  -list_types              : show the list of valid change types
  -ver                     : show this program's version

------------------ output restriction options: ------------------

  -author AUTHOR           : restrict output to the given AUTHOR
  -level LEVEL             : restrict output to the given LEVEL
  -min_level LEVEL         : restrict output to at least level LEVEL
  -program PROGRAM         : restrict output to the given PROGRAM

  -past_entries ENTRIES    : restrict output to final ENTRIES entries
  -past_days DAYS          : restrict output to the past DAYS days
  -past_months MONTHS      : restrict output to the past MONTHS months
  -past_years YEARS        : restrict output to the past YEARS years

  -type TYPE               : restrict output to the given TYPE
                             (TYPE = 0..5, or strings 'NEW_PROG', etc.)
                             e.g.  -type NEW_ENV
                             e.g.  -type BUG_FIX

------------------ verification options: ------------------------

  -check_date DD MM YYYY   : check history against given date

     If most recent afni_history is older than the passed date, the
     distribution version might be considered out of date.  Otherwise, it
     might be considered current.

     If the version seems okay, afni_history returns 0, else 1.
     That way a script can check the status.

------------------ general options: -----------------------------

  -html                    : add html formatting
  -dline                   : put a divider line between dates
  -reverse                 : reverse the sorting order
                             (sort is by date, author, level, program)

  -show_field FIELD        : restrict entry output to field FIELD

     For each history entry printed in the output restrict the output
     to only that implied by FIELD.

     Valid FIELDs include:

        FIELD        : what to show
        ----------     ----------------------------------------
        all          : all fields (same as without -show_field)
        firstline    : only the standard first line
        day          : day of month
        month        : month of year
        year         : year of calendar system
        date         : year, month, day
        author       : author
        program      : program
        level        : level
        type         : type
        desc         : description
        verbtext     : verbtext

     Only one -field option is allowed at the moment.

     Valid FIELD values can be shown by
        afni_history -show_field_names

  -show_field_names        : list valid FIELD names for -show_field

     Each entry in the output list can be passed to -show_field

  -verb LEVEL              : request verbose output
                             (LEVEL is from 0-6)

                                           Author: Rick Reynolds
                                           Thanks to: Ziad, Bob