
Usage: dicom_hdr [options] fname [...]
Prints information from the DICOM file 'fname' to stdout.
Multiple files can be given on the command line.

 -hex     = Include hexadecimal printout for integer values.
 -noname  = Don't include element names in the printout.
 -sexinfo = Dump Siemens EXtra INFO text (0029 1020), if present
             (can be VERY lengthy).
 -mulfram = Dump multi-frame information, if present
             (1 line per frame, plus an XML-style header/footer)
             [-mulfram also implies -noname]
 -v n     = Dump n words of binary data also.

 -no_length        = Skip lengths and offsets (helps diffs).
 -slice_times      = Show slice times from Siemens mosaic images.
 -slice_times_verb = Same, but be more verbose about it.
                     (multiple uses increases verbosity)
                     (can dump CSA data)
 -siemens_csa_data = same as 3 -slice_times_verb opts

Based on program dcm_dump_file from the RSNA, developed at
the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology.  See the source
code file mri_dicom_hdr.c for their Copyright and license.


0028 0010      2 [1234   ] //              IMG Rows// 512
0028 0011      2 [1244   ] //           IMG Columns// 512
0028 0030     18 [1254   ] //     IMG Pixel Spacing//0.488281\0.488281
0028 0100      2 [1280   ] //    IMG Bits Allocated// 16
0028 0101      2 [1290   ] //       IMG Bits Stored// 12
0028 0102      2 [1300   ] //          IMG High Bit// 11

* The first 2 numbers on each line are the DICOM group and element tags,
   in hexadecimal.
* The next number is the number of data bytes, in decimal.
* The next number [in brackets] is the offset in the file of the data,
   in decimal.  This is where the data bytes start, and does not include
   the tag, Value Representation, etc.
* If -noname is NOT given, then the string in the '// ... //' region is
   the standard DICOM dictionary name for this data element.  If this string
   is blank, then this element isn't in the dictionary (e.g., is a private
   tag, or an addition to DICOM that the program doesn't know about, etc.).
* The value after the last '//' is the value of the data in the element.
* In the example above, we have a 512x512 image with 0.488281 mm pixels,
   with 12 bits (stored in 16 bits) per pixel.
* For vastly more detail on DICOM standard, you can start with the
   documents at ftp://afni.nimh.nih.gov/dicom/ (1000+ pages of PDF)!
* Also see program dicom_hinfo -- which will print out just a few user-chosen
   values for each input file.  It can be used in a script to sort through