-rbox- generate various point distributions. Default is random in cube.
args (any order, space separated): Version: 2001/06/24
3000 number of random points in cube, lens, spiral, sphere or grid
D3 dimension 3-d
c add a unit cube to the output ('c G2.0' sets size)
d add a unit diamond to the output ('d G2.0' sets size)
l generate a regular 3-d spiral
r generate a regular polygon, ('r s Z1 G0.1' makes a cone)
s generate cospherical points
x generate random points in simplex, may use 'r' or 'Wn'
y same as 'x', plus simplex
Pn,m,r add point [n,m,r] first, pads with 0
Ln lens distribution of radius n. Also 's', 'r', 'G', 'W'.
Mn,m,r lattice(Mesh) rotated by [n,-m,0], [m,n,0], [0,0,r], ...
'27 M1,0,1' is {0,1,2} x {0,1,2} x {0,1,2}. Try 'M3,4 z'.
W0.1 random distribution within 0.1 of the cube's or sphere's surface
Z0.5 s random points in a 0.5 disk projected to a sphere
Z0.5 s G0.6 same as Z0.5 within a 0.6 gap
Bn bounding box coordinates, default 0.5
h output as homogeneous coordinates for cdd
n remove command line from the first line of output
On offset coordinates by n
t use time as the random number seed(default is command line)
tn use n as the random number seed