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Home page for dglen
- Current and past projects for Daniel Glen
Daniel Glen
Diffusion Tensor Estimation Method
- PDF presentation of our method to estimate the diffusion tensor given April 19, 2005
DTI fiber volume
- Rotating DTI fiber volume
DTI fibers spin up and down
- DTI fibers
Original DWI B0 data
Anisotropic smoothed B0 data
Original DWI B0 data
Anisotropically Smoothed B0 data
Anisotropic smoothing of DWI data
Vascular Rendering
- Data made with eroded automask and anisotropically smoothed. It was then reversed, thresholded in overlay and placed over original automasked volume.
Funniest NIMH Poem Contest 2006
- This poem received second place in the very prestigious Funniest NIMH Poem Contest. For this, Daniel Glen was honored with an "odd" frame / suggestion box. (He was robbed, I tell ya, robbed...)
Vascular Rendering 2
Integration of AFNI with DTI-Query
- Using DTI-Query with data from AFNI
Compiling DTI-Query
- How to build DTI-Query for various platforms
DTI Query on Mac Screenshot
DTI Query Binary Files
- DTI-Query binary files in tgz format. Extract with tar xzvf dtiqueryaaaa.tgz in the directory for the original files.
DTI-Query tractography available
- DTI-Query - the DTI fiber tractography program by David Akers and Anthony Sherbondy at Stanford is available for AFNI users
Dealing with Obliquity in AFNI
- Dealing with obliquely acquired data - commands and concepts
Oblique to Cardinal transformed EPI
Cardinal to Oblique transformed anatomical data
Obliquity in AFNI
- How to deal with oblique datasets in AFNI
Unaligned EPI data over anat edges
- Underlay edge detect and color. Overlay monochrome green color scale with auto-range off.
Aligned EPI data over anat edges
- Underlay anat - edge detect and color. Overlay in monochrome green colorscale.
Aligned EPI data over anat edges
Unaligned EPI data over anat edges - Green
Aligned EPI data over anat - pre and post alignment
- To create this image, the underlay is set to edge detect in display menu, Color, Swap. Right-click color bar and set Zero color to black. For overlay, right-click overlay color bar, and select a monochrome scale like this gray_circle or one like red_monochrome or green_monochrome. With sub-bricks for overlay and threshold set to the same epi dataset sub-brick, set lower threshold or "auto threshold" on overlay. Turn off auto-range and set range to useful maximum.
Compiled Matlab Applications in AFNI
- Several Matlab applications are available as stand-alone applications
McRetroTS - Matlab compiled version of retroTS.m
- Use McRetroTS for cardio-respiratory regression with fMRI data as standalone application without Matlab
Atlases in AFNI - framework
- How AFNI handles atlases, templates, spaces and transformations
Alignment of EPI data across two sessions
- The special case of aligning EPI data across two sessions without bias toward either session