How-to #5 Revisions
Some Minor Changes - April 27, 2004
- For those of you who are interested, we have made a few modifications to one of the scripts in How-to #5 (Group Analysis using AFNI 3dANOVA programs).
- The script is called "@analyze_ht05", and it does all the pre-processing of individual subjects' data in preparation for the group analysis. This includes normalizing the time series data by computing the percent signal change on a voxel-by-voxel basis.
- After some discussion on the message board, we've changed the order of some of the pre-processing steps. To view this how-to, simply click on the
HOW-TO #5 link here
or on the AFNI Main Page of this website.
Created by
Alex Clark
Last modified
2005-03-24 16:28