12.12. Automatic Images¶
- 12.12.1. Overview
- 12.12.2. Using @chauffeur_afni
- Introduction
- Examples, and how to run them
- Ex. 0: Simple underlay viewing
- Ex. 1: Moving/selecting view slices
- Ex. 2: Underlay and overlay viewing (mask example)
- Ex. 3: Focus box to select view slices
- Ex. 4: Overlay beta coefs and threshold with stats
- Ex. 5: Overlay beta coefs and threshold translucently with stats
- Ex. 6: Overlay beta coefs, threshold with stats and clusterize
- Ex. 7: Overlay beta coefs, threshold+clusterize translucently
- Ex. 8: Check alignment with edge view
- Ex. 10: 4D mode
- Ex. 11: Other examples of functionality
- Troubleshooting
- 12.12.3. Using @snapshot_volreg
- 12.12.4. Using @djunct_4d_imager
- 12.12.5. Using 2dcat